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Key Takeaways
- Traditional ramen contains gluten due to wheat as an ingredient
- Ramen is not safe for individuals with a gluten problem
- There are gluten-free alternatives in the market
- Ramen is a noodle soup dish that has its origin in japan
- Ramen became popular due to its affordability and quick production
Ramen is a delicious and nutritious Japanese noodle soup which is tasty, nutritious, and versatile. But, is ramen gluten-free?
Since ramen is mainly made of wheat, a grain that actively contains gluten, it is not gluten-free. Its gluten level surpasses the standard one, which should be less than 20 parts per million. Therefore, individuals with celiac disease and other gluten problems should go for ramen-free alternatives.
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About Ramen
Ramen is a popular Japanese noodle soup dish traditionally prepared using wheat noodles and a flavorful broth, which is mainly made from protein-rich products.
The most frequently used protein is meat, soy sauce and other products such as mushrooms, pork, and green onions.
Ramen is popular today because, during Japan's industrialization, it was an affordable and filling meal option for workers.
Additionally, the equipment used to prepare ramen could manufacture many ramen within a short period, thereby distributing the excess to other countries. It was therefore an economical and beneficial product.
Regarding nutritional value, ramen is known to be high in carbohydrates, which is a great energy source and helps regulate blood sugar. Ramen is also made of vitamins, proteins, and other minerals that ensure you have taken a balanced diet.
One advantage of consuming ramen is that it comes in varieties. Therefore, you can choose the kind of ramen you wish to consume according to taste and preference, and this also applies to the soup recipes.
Ramen can go with different foods including sweet potatoes, chicken, and mushrooms. Moreover, one can use spices in ramen. In addition, ramen can be glazed with miso ramen paste. You can cut daikon radish for your ramen.
About Gluten Sensitivity
Some individuals react to exposure to gluten and may develop symptoms such as bloating. The medical conditions which are associated with gluten include celiac disease, non celiac gluten sensitivity, and gluten intolerance.
If you have any form of gluten sensitivity, then you should be taking a gluten free diet, and faithfully so. At the center of this is to avoid meals which are made from wheat flour.
Taking gluten free foods requires a deliberate effort and the effort to peruse the market in order to get the right product. For instance, you should check out for food products which are labeled gluten free or be on the lookout for a gluten free substitute.
Is Ramen Gluten-Free?
Traditional ramen noodles are typically made from wheat noodles; and it is not gluten-free. Therefore, traditional ramen is not safe for people having celiac and other related gluten problems due to the high concentration of gluten.
In the US, the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has researched and determined that 20 parts per million of gluten are safe for everyone regardless of any special dietary commitment or needs.
Fortunately, other ramen alternatives are gluten-free since they are made from gluten-free ingredients that replace wheat. For example, soba noodles are a healthy product and naturally gluten free.
Similarly, shirataki noodles are not only gluten free but also keto friendly and are a vegan diet thereby giving you delicious veggie noodles.
The ramen glass noodles are a gluten free product. In addition to that, the brown rice noodles are gluten free, and therefore, they are safe for someone with gluten sensitivity.
With opting for alternatives, you can enjoy gluten free ramen including gluten free ramen noodles. In addition to that, with the right process, you will be able to prepare gluten free soy sauce, ramen soups such as ramen noodle soups, hot broth, and ramen broth.
Another option is making a gluten free ramen recipe at home, including ramen soup. It is not difficult to make regular ramen noodles at home, you just need the right ingredients at the local grocery store and you will come up with a healthy and gluten free meal.
With a home recipe, you will be able to prepare a gluten free version of instant noodles for a gluten free instant experience. You can also use vegetable noodles or zucchini noodles.
One should be in the know about the status of gluten in buckwheat flour. This is a naturally gluten free food product, and it is a reliable source of protein. In addition to that, it has a high level of fiber, and an ideal choice for buckwheat noodles.
Having stated that, the following are the best gluten-free ramen options to buy:
Brown Rice and Millet Ramen
The lotus foods brown rice ramen and millet ramen provides a perfect option for individuals with gluten sensitivities because the ingredients are naturally gluten food. The Lotus brand is popularly known for making this kind of ramen and ensures it has the same texture and appearance as traditional ramen.
When it comes to cooking, this gluten free ramen noodle will only take 4 minutes to be ready. Like traditional ramen, they also have a high fiber content and have 4 grams of protein per serving. Since Lotus food ramen is widely distributed in most countries, you can find them in supermarkets or order online through platforms such as amazon.
Rice Noodles
Rice noodles are also a perfect gluten free noodle ramen alternative made by different certified brands. They are widely used in cooking and are affordable and simple to find in supermarkets and regular grocery stores.
The rice noodles are made from flour and water, which have no gluten. Therefore, there is no need to exclude rice noodles from your diet because they are naturally gluten-free.
Other brands like to add other ingredients, such as cornstarch, to improve the texture and flavor of the noodles.
Even though the rice noodles lack the same appearance in terms of packaging, they still resemble conventional ramen when taken out of their package.
Like traditional ramen, you can serve it with other kinds of broths, which will retain its sweet flavor and texture. However, since not all brands are trusted to make gluten-free rice noodles, it is ideal to confirm any gluten information before buying them.
Kelp Noodles
The kelp noodles are a semi-transparent type of noodle that is not only gluten-free but also ideal for a vegan diet. Its source is kelp seaweed, where its inner flesh is removed, dried, and ground into powder.
The powder is then processed into noodles by combining the powder with brown seaweed and sodium alginate as a thickening agent.
Even though these kinds of noodles are less popular and appear the same as traditional ramen, they are still nutritious, can be served with broths such as chicken broth.
The only difference between kelp noodles and traditional ramen is the way of cooking. Unlike ramen, kelp noodles only need to be soaked in hot water, and you can add it to your favorite broth. Therefore, if you can access kelp noodles, they provide an ideal gluten-free alternative to ramen.
Potato Noodles
Potato noodles are a popular gluten-free ramen alternative made from potato or sweet potato flour. Even though potato noodles have the same texture, they do not appear like traditional ramen. Typically, potato noodles have a brown color and appear to look like spaghetti.
Additionally, the cooking style differs from the traditional ramen because you will need to cook the potato strands for 30 seconds until they float and rinse them in cold water. You can add them to your favorite broth recipes and enjoy their good taste and texture.